Export data

The reply results, shown after opening the Analyse option for a selected survey, can be transferred to data files. See Basics about Analyse. When you click on an export button you just have to point to where the file is to be saved and you change the file name, if necessary.

Under the Data table tab you have the option of Export to CSV (Comma-Separated-Values), which can be used in programs with different file format standards, or to Export to Excel, which requires Microsoft Excel to be installed on your computer.

What is exported when you click on Export to Excel is what you see on your screen. When exporting data the sequence of the columns is not exactly alike but if you on the Result tab have a view with a pie or bar chart open, the Excel file will contain the same picture presentation. If you do not see the pie and bar charts in your Excel spreadsheet after export, you may have to accept the use of macros.

The content of the data table can be limited by your specifying values under the Show filter option, above the Result and Data table tabs.

You can also transfer data after searching amongst all survey answers. See Search data in company

Data table

Under the Data table tab you see the result of all the questions in the survey, with data set up as in a file after export. Under the data table you can, with show hide button, choose whether you want to see the questions and available answers at the bottom of the page. However, these are not seen in the export file.

For Layout you select, in a drop-down menu, how you want to sort your table. One question per column, seen above, or One answer per column.

A text that is too long to be presented in full on the web page can be spoken if you move your mouse pointer over the relevant field. Via notice icons you can see for example, the answers to free text questions and the question text.

This is a description of the columns in the various layouts

Date when the answer was given.
1:1, 1:2 etc.
The survey questions and their available answers. It is easier to see the questions at the bottom of the page, as seen in screenshot 2 above. . In the One answer per column view you see the selected answer as 1. For an NPS question, where the alternative answers are constituted by 1 to 0, it could be useful to know that in case the survey participant has replied 0 the value 1 is presented under the 1:0 heading
Whether the questions has been answered via Web or Telephone.
Unique identity for the contact or the call.
If the question has been answered via telephone, the customer's telephone number may be seen here. For a web survey you see the customer’s IP address.
Task type
The customer's errand from various choices in the IVR dialogue, for those initiated by chat or in email entrance.
The ACE user name of the agent having handled the contact and then been evaluated.
Param1, Param2 etc.
Extra parameter that can be specified in addition to customer errand above.