Answer an email in ACE Agent

If you are answering an email for a contact in progress you click on the Reply button at the bottom right of the Received mail support function. The arrow to the right of the Reply button gives you alternatives such as Reply all. Also see Redirect, forward and re-use emails.

You do not have to click on the Reply button if you, in a client setting specify that you want an email to be opened in reply mode directly when you accept an incoming email.

In the contacts in progress area the icon indicates whether the email contact arrived via a queue or a waiting list . If an answer has already been sent for the email, you see this by the icon being added to by an arrow .

The letterhead in the Mail reply support function

The Mail reply support function is opened. At the top you see the letterhead area containing the following titles:

In a drop-down menu you find the addresses you can use as sender. The address that a received email has been sent to is added to the list, becoming default. However, you can change to another of the pre-defined addresses in the drop-down menu.
In this mandatory field you enter the receiver(s)’ email address(es). In case this is an answer to an email this field is already filled in with the contents of the From field of the original email. If you have used the Reply all option, any other recipients' addresses are pre-filled too.
To specify an address of your own, you can proceed in any of the following ways:
  • Enter an address and ACE will successively suggest addresses containing what you are typing.
  • Press the space bar to see a list of suggested addresses. If an address in the list fits, you pick it by a mouse click, or with an arrow key and the Enter key. If the address you are looking for is not found among those suggested, you can close the list by clicking in the entry field.
  • If you want to send the letter to more than one recipient address, you add a semi colon ; between each address.
Carbon Copy — Click on the arrow beside the To field to open the CC field, where you can enter the email address(es) that will receive a copy of the email, in the same way as in the To field above.
Blind Carbon Copy — Click on the arrow beside the CC field to open the BCC field, where here you enter the email address(es) that will receive a copy of the emails but these address(es) cannot be seen by the other recipients, in the same way as in the To field above.
Enter a subject for the email. If your email is an answer to an email, this field could already be filled in.

If you want an automatic email signature to be included at the end of all outgoing emails you can, in a client setting, enter an optional text using no more than 512 characters.

The Send button is used if you want to send what has been entered in Mail reply. A written answer that has not been sent will be gone for good when you end the contact.

Formatting tools in the Mail reply support function

If you are typing an email with the Text only format, you see five icons above the typing area.

  • When you select something in the writing area, the Copy function becomes available.
  • If there is anything in the clipboard, Paste is available as well.
  • Undo your last action.
  • The mail is currently formatted as plain text. Click to toggle to HTML if you want to be able to use styles in your mail.
  • The mail is currently HTML formatted, which enables you to use text styling. Click to toggle to TEXT mode. Converting from HTML mode to TEXT mode will delete any styling.
  • Opens the menu containing the spell-check related menu choices, described in section Spell-check in email and chat.

If your selection is HTML, more options become available in addition to the Copy, Paste, Undo, and Spell-check functions. Then you can e.g. change the font, the font colour and font size, just as in many different word processing programs. The Windows shortcut commands can be used for some of them. See Use shortcut keys when working in Agent.

  • Font
  • Font size
  • Font colours
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underlined
  • Strike through
  • Left aligned
  • Centre aligned
  • Right aligned
  • Bullets
  • Save current font selection as default.

Text format can also, to some extent, be changed via the menu you open with a right-click.

Shift Enter inserts a carriage return in the email text.