Configuration of intelligent number handling

The configuration in ACE Admin ruling the number handling consists basically of two components.

  • Configuration of the extension location in the Locations, switches, and access codes window. See The Extension locations tab.
  • Configuration of extensions
    • In ACE Admin, the Extensions window, you configure the extension used by agents in Telia ACE.
    • In System Functions Interface you configure all the extensions that shall be identified as local at ring out, described in the document InterfaceSpecification System Functions Interface.

If several PBXs are included in the same net group you also must configure net group in the ACE Admin window Switches for server based telephony.

The following configurations rule the intelligent telephone number handling:

  1. The country where the location is found, for example Sweden.
  2. Any local area number for the location, including local area prefix. The local area number used in the area the location belongs to. So, in Sweden the local area number for Uppsala is 018. Local area number shall always be configured if the country has an open number plan (e.g. Sweden). This configuration is however not available if the location belongs to a country with a closed number plan (e.g. Norway).
  3. External number format. Specifies how calls that are not dialled within ACE shall be handled. The options are:
  4. Extension format. Describes the extension format applicable for the location. The alternatives are:
    • Short numbers, such as 2911
    • National, such as 010182911
    • International, such as 4610182911

Also see Nine examples of intelligent number handling.

This is the format for extensions

  • Extension prefix
    Traditionally, the extension prefix is defined as the part of the complete subscriber number that is not part of the very extension number. For example, the extension number can be 2911, while the complete subscriber number is 182911. In this case the extension prefix is 18. For extensions on national and international formats the extension’s prefix is included in the extension number. In these cases, one can identify the common part of the extension number apart from the country code and area code.
  • Prefix for call out - PBX or switch prefix
    The prefix used to get a line out from the PBX. If no prefix is required for calling external number, nothing is specified here.
  • PBX or switch
    The PBX concept in Telia ACE is used both for configuration of server based CTI and intelligent number handling. Via the PBX term, several locations can be linked together, information Telia ACE that they are using the same number plan. This is why it can be advantageous to configure the PBX concept also for locations using clicent based CTI (MS TAPI) or Light Mode. There is one specific PBX type "Other (client based CTI)" that can be selected when you need to create a PBX in Telia ACE with the sole purpose of linking locations where client based CTI is used. Other PBX types yu can choose when a PBX is being configured as mostly intended for configuration of server based CTI.
  • Net group
    To handle distributed PBXs such as MX One it is also possible to group PBXs in net groups. In a net grouped PBX, the same number plan is normally used.

Guidelines for dividing a physical PBX into extension locations for agents

  • Different physical PBXs entail at least one extension location per physical PBX.
  • In case a physical PBX is used by several organisation areas this entails at least one extenstion location per organisation area.
  • In case a physical PBX is distributed over several area code areas this entails at least one extension location per area code area.
  • In case different extension prefixes are used for the extensions this entails at least one extension location per extension prefix.
  • In some cases it can also be necessary to configure extension locations even though no agents are working there. The reason for this is to provide the option of adding to the PBX’s number plan, which in turn provides the option of calling all persons in the company with an internal extension number.