Add telephony settings in Agent tab
Under the Configuration Utility Agent tab you set the following basic settings for ACE Agent.

Add the name of your connection location in the switchboard. The location and the extension are configured in ACE Admin. This is the location of the connection you use when logging into ACE Agent.
Determines if and where to save the latest used extension number.
Select the way ACE should check the telephony connection. Choose between Server based CTI, Light Mode and Client based CTI described in Basics about telephony connections.
If you have chosen Client based CTI as telephony connection you see the list, from which you pick the connection to be used between the computer and your telephone. Service Provider is the driver for communication with the selected switchboard. The list to choose from is adjusted to the selected connection type.
More about latest extension used
Under Latest extension used in ACE Agent you enter where in the Windows registry to save the latest used extension, if to save it, between logins to ACE Agent. The default choice is save to registry’s user profile. If a user does not have the access rights to write in the machine configuration of the register and/or user profile, the corresponding choices are greyed.
The users’ work situation decide whether to choose to save the latest used extension number in different registry sections or not. If the users have their own computers where only one person per computer logs in, it does not matter where in the registry the latest used extension is saved. If several users take turns in logging in to a computer, it matters where the information is saved. The following might be of some help:
Save to registry machine configuration

This is preferred if the work station has a telephone that does not present its extension or if the users’ profiles are saved centrally. The first user logging in to ACE Agents enters the extension number to be used. When the next user logs in to the computer he does not have to enter anything, as the latest used extension number is already displayed, read from the Windows registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Save in registry user profile

Preferred if users that take turns in logging in to the computer want to use different extension numbers, e.g. when a mobile phone is used for logging in to Light Mode. The extension number shown when logging in to ACE Agent is collected from the Windows registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The number shown is the number used by the current user the at previous login, even if other users have been logged in later.
NOTE! This choice is not to be used in the user’s profile is saved centrally. If the computer has a telephony connection, the wrong extension number may be displayed in the log in window for ACE Agent, regardless of whether the telephone presents its extension number or not.
Is not stored

Suitable if the computer has a telephony connection and the telephone presents its extension, users do not have the access rights to write in the machine configuration part of the Windows registry and if saving to the user profile does not function with the work situation used.