Basics about Recording Quality Management

In ACE Recording your organisation can, depending on your technical solution, record both incoming and outgoing telephone calls. See Rules for Active Recording and Passive Recording.

In ACE Recording the interaction concept is used to describe a customer contact, e.g. a telephone call. Depending on technical solution a telephone call can result in several additional interactions, such as from enquiry and conference.

  • Monitor calls in progress between agents and customers
  • Play recorded calls afterwards, e.g. for training.
  • Add comments to the recording, and save it as documentation of e.g. a verbal agreement.

In ACE Recording Quality Management the call recordings are used to further develop of the quality of customer care. Call analysis can be performed with various tools:

  • Make tailored forms for evaluation of performance of single agents or entire groups.
  • Rate details in the calls, in points.
  • Mark calls with comments about improvement actions.
  • Distribute the output to various interested parties.
  • Follow up the results d up in statistical reports.

In this help web you find brief information about the ACE Recording Quality Management concept, and in more detail how you as an agent uses My Universe; your tool in NICE Engage®.