Queue details - Table tab

The Table tab presents its information in text. On the Table tab, the same parameters are found as on the Queue details - Workforce tab.

The Table tab also contains everything you find as graphics in Queue details - Reserve tab.

Parameter description

The name of the queue or waiting list.
Type of media, i.e. Call or Email.
Incoming or Outgoing.
Queue or Waiting list.
Received contacts
Number received during the day.

Note that if contacts are in a queue at the end of the day and then escalated or answered, a summing up of final status for the established contacts will be larger than the total for Received contacts.

A contact can arrive several times to the same queue. If, for example a call is retrieved by the IVR due to the assigned agent not having answered the call or when a callback record is dialled, postponed and then dialled once more.

Contacts in queue
At present.
Contacts being delivered
Contacts that are currently being delivered to Agent or to an agent’s email account.
Contacts established
Contacts from queue answered/accepted by ACE Agent. Note that contacts accepted after having been requeued are instead counted as re-established.
Re-established contacts
Contacts from queue that have been answered/accepted by ACE Agent and earlier have been placed in queue by an agent.
Lost contacts
Number today. In this total emails that have been ended via Interaction View in ACE Agent are included, as they have been in the queue.
Abandoned contacts
Number today.
Escalated contacts
Number of contacts during the day, which:
  • have been escalated by the routing to another queue/waiting list in the same organisation area,
  • have been escalated by the routing to another organisation area,
  • have been escalated by the routing to an external number (only calls via IVR),
  • have been escalated by the routing to an external email address (only email),
  • have returned to the IVR at the customer’s initiative (only calls via IVR; note that customers accepting offer for callback and consequently leaving the queue are counted as escalated),
  • have been retrieved to queue because the assigned agent has not answered the contact. These contacts will be rerouted to queue.

Includes calls where routing has been interrupted.

Estimated queue time (EQT)
As on the Overview tab.
Average queue time
Average value for queue time calculated for those calls that have so far been answered from the current queue/waiting list.
Ready (Agents)
Paused (Agents)
In Wrap-up (Agents)
In contact (Agents)
Total no. of agents
As on the Overview tab.
Service level 1
Service level 2
Specified in percent. The proportion of contacts handled today that fulfilled service levels 1 and 2. Only contacts that have been served are included, not those that have been lost or abandoned.
Threshold, Service level 1
Threshold, Service level 2
Which thresholds apply is configured globally or per queue in ACE Admin. An information icon indicates that the service level is configured for a specific queue.

The thresholds express waiting time; for calls, callback records and chat in a specified number of seconds and for emails in minutes. Service levels are not used for campaign calls.

Longest queue time
The queue time for the call that at the moment has the longest queue time.
Total (Reserve)
The sum of all status variants below.
Ready (Reserve)
The number of Ready agents with possibilities to service the queue but at the moment logged out from the queue.
In contact (Reserve)
The number of agents in call or handling email with possibilities to service the queue but at the moment logged out from the queue.
In wrap-up (Reserve)
The number of agents in wrap-up with possibilities to service the queue but at the moment logged out from the queue.
Paused (Reserve)
The number of paused agents with possibilities to service the queue but at the moment logged out from the queue.