Wrap-up and feedback for callback

When a callback call is ended, you are automatically placed in Wrap-up status and the Feedback support function is opened, unless it has already been opened automatically when you accepted the contact. The wrap-up time is not limited and the clock shows for how long you have been in wrap-up status. You leave Wrap-up status when you have provided feedback for the contact.

You can also provide feedback by clicking on the Feedback button. A menu where you can select type of feedback is then opened. These are the same feedback types that you can choose from in the status list of the Feedback support function.

Feedback can be given when you

  • have had a contact routed to you and you have refused the contact (you need the access right to refuse contacts),
  • have accepted an outgoing contact and the outgoing call has been started,
  • have accepted an outgoing contact and the call has been established,
  • are in wrap-up for an outgoing contact.

You may also, in the support function for feedback, choose to schedule a new callback, based on your current contact in progress.

Feedback after postponing callback

If the Call later function is used to postpone a callback call, the Feedback support function will automatically appear. It is already filled in with:

  • Status – Reestablish later.
  • Telephone number.
  • Your personal queue/waiting list.
  • Start time – current date and time in the ACE Server.
  • Other contact data for the contact in progress, if any.

For further information about postponement and the Call later... button, see Postpone call with Call later... button.

Feedback after concluded callback call

When you have concluded a callback call, you have to specify the result of the call. There is a number of alternatives for feedback, and you can also enter your own comments regarding the contact.

The following outcomes are pre-set in the system:

Answering machine
A telephone answering machine answered the call. If a message has been left regarding calling again, “Reestablish later” should be used instead.
The number that was dialled was busy.
End contact
The customer has been reached and the task is concluded/completed.
End contact – Customer not reached
After repeated attempts, it has not been possible to reach the customer and a normal conclusion of the task can therefore not be achieved.
End contact - Wrong number
The number that was dialled is incorrect or invalid, and it cannot be corrected.
Fax or modem tone
The call was answered by a modem or fax.
No answer
Nobody answered when the call was made.
Number changed
The number that was dialled is incorrect or invalid, but a new number is available. The new number is specified and the call record will be dialled again at a later occasion.
Reestablish later
The customer asked to be called at a later occasion (within a time interval).

Feedback after Refuse call

When you have refused a callback record, you must indicate why. There are a number of alternatives for feedback.

Call refusal
The call could not be dialled at the moment.
End contact - Wrong number
The number that was to be dialled is incorrect or invalid, and it cannot be corrected.
Number changed
The number that was to be dialled is incorrect or invalid, but a new number is available. The new number is specified and the call record will be dialled again at a later occasion.

Feedback after telephony error

If you have accepted a callback record, but the call failed, due to a telephony error, the following alternatives are available for feedback:

End contact - Wrong number
The number that was to be dialled is incorrect or invalid, and it cannot be corrected.
Number changed
The number that was to be dialled is incorrect or invalid, but a new number is available. The new number is specified and the call record will be dialled again at a later occasion.
Telephony error
The call failed due to a telephony problem.

Feedback for transferred callback call

If you make an enquiry to another agent and then transfer your callback call, you will still be prompted to provide feedback when your call is ended, since you handled the contact originally. The enquired party will not end up in feedback but in normal wrap-up, if so configured for this task type.

External call combined with callback

If an external call arrives as a callback record is being routed to you, the callback record will be automatically parked and the Answer button flashes for the incoming call. When you have answered and ended the external call, the callback record is automatically unparked. The Accept button flashes and the callback call is made in the normal way. If an external call arrives when you are busy with wra-up for a concluded callback call, the feedback window will remain but you will not be able to handle any data or close the feedback window until the external call is ended.