Enquiry during chat session

In case you need to consult another agent to be able to finish the customer’s errand, you can use the Enquiry button in ACE Agent’s main window to make an enquiry. The enquiry is made as a telephone call, just like you do for an incoming call.

When you click on the Enquiry button, the Unifinder support function is opened. Here you can get assistance from colleagues searched and found by skill, queue, subarea or name. See and Make call and enquiry via Unifinder

If the searched party isn't available at once, you can make ACE continue to call. When enabled a spinning indicator by the Inquiry button, which during enquiry attempt is named Cancel, shows that calling is still in progress. To stop the enquiry attempt, click on the Cancel button.

During this call the chat in progress is open for new entries. However, you cannot click on the End call button.

If you click on the Retrieve button the enquiry call is hung up but the chat remains active. If instead you click on Transfer the chat is transferred to the enquired agent’s personal queue, and the chat in progress is closed while the enquiry call is active until someone hangs up. When you have finished the enquiry call, after transfer, you will be paused.

Re-queue chat

You have the option of re-queuing a chat in a general chat queue or chat waiting list. This is done in the same way as for telephone calls and emails, i.e. in the Enquiry support function you select a queue and click on the To queue button.

Enquiry calls with subsequent transfer of contact to various queue types, described below, can also be made via the Unifinder support function.

Queue a chat in a specific agent’s personal queue

To re-queue a chat in another agent’s personal queue you do just as you do for telephone calls and emails. In the Enquiry support function you open the list of available agents using the Agent button and then select an agent. Select the row with the chosen agent and click on the To queue button. The chat is then routed to the personal chat queue of the selected agent.

To be able to re-queue a chat in another agent’s personal queue you must have the access rights to re-queue a chat in an enquirable agent’s personal queue. In addition, the receiving agent must be logged in to the Incoming telephony enquiry service and one of the Incoming chat queue or Incoming chat waiting list services.