Standard phrases in chat history

Under the Standard phrases header you configure the standard phrases that are to be automatically generated at various occasions. The purpose of standard phrases is, for example, to make it easier for the agents as they don’t have to welcome every customer in person. Besides, the standard phrases illustrate what happens to a chat, both in progress, and in wrap-up, if you want to study the chat history. Different standard phrases are used when a chat

  • is received by an agent for the first time,
  • is requeued,
  • is received by an agent after having been requeued,
  • has been closed.

The automatic phrases are seen as normal entries in different text colours depending on who the sender is. If the sender is the agent, the configured name is seen as sender. If the ACE system is the sender, no sender name is displayed.

In the table below you see which standard phrases you can configure. In the left column you also see a recommendation of what dynamic values you can use in the phrase (see Basics about auto generated texts in chats). For example, in phrases that can contain the current agent’s identity, you enter %agent on the position where the name shall be included. ACE then completes the text with the agent’s name, seen in the way you have chosen to display it in chat entries.

Header Phrase in ACE Admin Editable standard text Sender in chat history Does the text have to be configured?

The chat is queued

The chat is placed in queue The ACE system Yes
An agent accepts the chat


The agent %agent has entered the chat The ACE system Yes
An agent accepts the chat


Welcome, my name is %agent, how can I help you? Current agent No. If there is no text, this entry will not be shown.
The chat is requeued I'm transferring you to another agent, this may take a while Current agent No
The chat is requeued The chat is placed in queue The ACE system Yes
A new agent accepts the chat after requeue


Agent %agent has entered the chat The ACE system Yes
A new agent accepts the chat after requeue


Welcome, my name is %agent, how can I help you? Current agent No
The chat is closed Thank you and welcome back Current agent No

The chat is closed

See information for ACE Survey, Publish survey, on dynamic values that can be used to create a link to a survey.

Note that both agent and customer will see the link to the survey. If this is not the desired behaviour, consider including the survey in the information message shown when the chat is ended. See Automatically generated system messages.

The chat is closed The ACE system Yes
The chat is closed in queue The chat is closed The ACE system Yes
The chat has been authenticated The chat is authenticated by the website The ACE system No
An invited participant joins the chat


The invited participant %invitedAlias has joined the chat The ACE system No

An invited participant leaves the chat


The invited participant %invitedAlias has left the chat The ACE system No
The chat is closed for an invited participant Thank you and welcome back Current agent No
The chat is closed for an invited participant The chat is closed The ACE system Yes

Even if all phrases are automatically generated, the various phrases will be shown with different senders in the chat history, according to the table above. In ACE Agent you will see the customer’s text in the standard colour for the selected Windows theme, most often black, the agent’s text in purple, and system generated messages are seen in red. The text presentation in the chat client depends on the configurations made in the chat client.

If an agent re-queues a chat in another agent’s personal queue, or in a general chat queue, the complete chat history will be sent along.