Copy of chat history in email

The chatting customer can, if he wishes, have a copy of his chat history. In order for this to function it is required that ACE Email is installed and configured for outgoing email, the chat entrance is enabled for email and that the chat client, which is the customer’s view of the chat, supports this behaviour (the reference client supports the behaviour).

What you shall specify in ACE Admin, in the middle of the Chat entrances window, under the Offer chat history via email, is the following:

If the Enabled box is ticked, the customer can request an email, where the entire dialogue that has just been finished, is included. Exactly how the offer is presented to the customer depends on the specific chat client used, but the following is always true:
  • The offer is valid for five minutes, provided that the customer does not close the chat client.
  • If the email address is known, via contact data, it can be filled in as a default value. The customer can request up to a maximum of five different emails for one chat.
Sender address
Enter the sender address to be used when ACE sends the chat history via email for the current entrance. For example
Subject header
Enter what is to be presented in the subject field in the email the customer receives, such as ”copy of your chat conversation”.