Start using ACE Admin

In ACE Admin you administrate and govern your contact centre. There you can e.g.

  • create user accounts,
  • change the IVR opening hours,
  • configure client settings for the agents.

Anyone going to use ACE Admin first requires a user account in Telia ACE with an access role containing different access functions. In this web help described in this type of boxes:

With the Own user access function you can create a new user in the user accounts window.
Without the View user access function you are not even allowed to open the User accounts window.

You also need access rights to the organisation area and/or subareas you shall be able to see and configure.

  • With the TeamEast subarea you can administrate users belonging to TeamEast.
  • Without the TeamEast subarea you cannot even see which users that belong to TeamEast.