What you need to work with ACE Email

ACE Email is the part of Telia ACE handling incoming email and outgoing automatic email replies. ACE WorkItem is a function receiving work items, i.e. messages about certain tasks from an open interface, transferring these work items to agents for actions of various kinds. ACE handles incoming work items in basically the same way as an incoming email.

In order to work with ACE Email and ACE WorkItem you need to know what is described below.


To be able to use the ACE Email and ACE WorkItem functions you need the following licences:

Email Interface
Licence for an interface enabling more advanced routing for incoming emails. Required for ACE Email.
WorkItem Interface
Licence for an interface enabling external applications to send in work items (messages about tasks to be carried out by the agents), to ACE. Required for ACE WorkItem.
Agent – Incoming Email
User licence for incoming emails. Required for both ACE Email and ACE WorkItem.


In order to configure and manage email and workitem solutions you can search for information on this web site.

You may also need access to the following documents:

  • Interface Specification Email Interface
  • Interface Specification WorkItem Interface
  • Operation Manual Telia ACE
  • Configuration Instructions ACE Twitter Integration
  • onfiguration Instructions ACE Facebook Integration

Access rights for administrator and agent

There are two access functions associated with the administration of email and work items.

Free access to all windows, tabs and configuration possibilities under the Email menu choice comes with the Own other settings for email access function.
An agent going to work with email requires access functions Execute service for incoming email, queue and Execute service for incoming email, waiting list in his access role.

Access rights to handle historic email

To at all be allowed to handle the historic emails in Interaction View one of the following access functions is required as well:

  • View Interaction View, all interaction.
  • View Interaction View, allowed task types. If you have limited who shall be able to see and handle the contents in historical emails, by connecting task types to subareas, you should also make sure that the concerned users belong to the correct subarea (not access areas).
To be able to end emails in ACE Agent, via the Interaction View support function and waiting lists, you need the Execute end email via Interaction View and waiting lists in your access role.