Side exits

A side exit is a named collection of telephone extensions where a call flow can be routed. If a call is routed to a side exit, one of the extensions will be used, more or less randomly chosen with a configurable probability. To configure side exits in ACE Admin, navigate the main menu to Routing | Service node configuration | Side exits.

To access this function you need
  • the system to be set up for access to the service node,
  • the access function Modify dialogue flows or Own dialogue flows.
The side exits configuration window

On the left side of the window you can add and delete side exits, as well as modify their basic properties:

A descriptive name of the side exit, used as reference elsewhere in the ACE Admin user interface. This must be unique – no two side exits can have the same name. Also, this can be up to 50 characters long, but it is highly recommended you use far shorter names and in stead use the Description property to clarify the intended usage of the side exit.
An optional description of the side exit. This can be up to 255 characters in length.

For the selected side exit you can add a number of telephone extensions that the flow can be routed to, and for every such extension you configure:

The telephone number, in Canonical format, Closedsyntax checked in a rather crude and simple manner.

ACE Admin warns about invalid syntax, but only on a primitive level. The database has knowledge about country codes and area codes, and can thus perform a more thorough syntax check than Admin. Therefore you may get an error message when trying to save an extension the database deems invalid, even if Admin approves of it.

In such case, simply correct or remove the failing extension and try again.

The probability that this particular extension will be used when a call is routed through the side exit, expressed as an integer percentage. The sum of all percentages Closedmust be 100, but it is possible to set this value to 0 – e.g. to temporarily disable the extension – as long as at least one other extension has a non-zero percentage value.

You can easily recalculate the percentages so the sum is 100 by right-clicking any percentage cell and selecting Adjust percentages from the context sensitive menu. The percentages will then be recaclulated as pnew = pnew * 100 / sum. Any rounding error is randomly distributed among the extensions with a non-zero percentage.

An optional description for the extension. This can be up to 255 characters in length.