Goto, Gosub and Return objects

Via a Goto object the call jumps to a specified start object in another dialogue flow, where the processing of the call continues until it reaches a Drop or Routing object. The purpose of the Goto objects is to switch branch in the flow, e.g. from a menu to a queue flow that then jumps to a routing flow.

Gosub objects should, however, always end in a Return object as you with them would rather want to carry out a small task and then come back. For example, check queue position and then continue in the queue flow.

Calling another dialogue flow can be done from largely any position in the dialogue flow, when you need a common dialogue flow.

The destination for the jump is not included in a template dialogue flow but is set uniquely for the new configured flow.

Requires the Own dialogue flows access function.

To choose a destination you select Select target in the context menu. The Start object selector then opened is described in section Start object selector.

Gosub objects

In a Gosub object, the call temporarily jumps to the specified start object in another sub dialogue flow, where the execution of the call continues in the same way as described above.

Return objects

Dialogue flows that are called via a Gosub object must end with a Return object. The return object can be found in a sub dialogue flow, specifying that the flow shall continue after the Gosub object where the call to the dialogue flow was made.

Start object selector

To select the start object a jump object shall route to, you go to the right-hand field in the object’s bottom part, under Exits, where you right-click in the field where you shall specify Next Object or on the link to an already specified target.

Requires the Own dialogue flows access function.

In the opened menu you click on Select target...

The opened window, the Start object selector, displays all start objects in all flows, with the exception of those with the Local category.

If you search for start objects by a Gosub object, the start object picker will only contain the start objects belonging to the Gosub category.

As you can see hidden flows as well here, you may have to minimize the content by filtering, with search text in the field at the top. What you enter matches the beginning of all values in the list. If you e.g. enter 16 you will just see the start objects in flows 16 and 168, and the 160 and 165 start objects.

You can refine your search even more by entering more values at the same time, separated by a comma, using the flow,start object,category syntax. If you do not wish to search by e.g. flow names you leave the first position empty by starting with a comma.


To just search by a category, such as Hangup, you type , , han.

When writing in the Start object selector search field the matching method is normally search for all beginning with X. Via the right click menu opened from the search field you can choose to search Case sensitive along with one of the following:

The search hits match the given text exactly.
Begins with
The search hits begin with a given text. Default if nothing else is chosen in the right click menu.
The search is based on text found anywhere in search result, i.e. at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.