ACE routings

An ACE routing is a collection of settings used when an IVR call is routed via the ordinary routing table in ACE core – see The IVR calls tab and How ACE selects which contact to route to agent.

To access this function, you need to start ACE Admin with a one time ticket for Elevated access. You also need
  • the system to be set up for access to the service node,
  • the access function Modify dialogue flows or Own dialogue flows.
The window for configuring ACE routings

On the left side of the window you can add and delete ACE routings, as well as modify their basic properties:

A descriptive name of the ACE routing, used as reference elsewhere in the ACE Admin user interface. This must be unique – no two services can have the same name. Also, this can be up to 50 characters long, but it is highly recommended you use far shorter names and in stead use the Description property to clarify the intended usage of the ACE routing.
An optional description of the ACE routing. This can be up to 255 characters in length.
"No answer" prio
The priority an unanswered call will be assigned.
The number of seconds between consecutive polling route requests when call is placed in queue.
Input parameters
A number of call parameters that will be sent as extra parameters in route request to ACE core. ACE core use this information to update contact data keys and find a matching routing row.