Basics about Campaign call records

The address material to be called constitutes a campaign list. Facts about a customer in the campaign list is called a campaign record. A campaign list consists of a number of campaign records with telephone numbers and other information about the customers.

Campaign records can be created manually, or via import. The administrator can then edit, remove and search for the campaign records. The records can have various statuses as described in campaign records' status.

Campaign lists can be filled with campaign records using three different methods:

Manual input
Enter single campaign records manually in ACE Admin, via the Call records campaign window.
Import via Excel
Import campaign records from a text or Excel file fetched from an external system. The import is carried out via the Import window in ACE Admin. This is also where you configure the format of the file.
Import via support system
Import campaign records from an integrated external system, e.g. a customer database, via the open interface for campaign records.

The content of a campaign record

A campaign record contains the following information:

  • Telephone number, at least one, and no more than three numbers, to be able to call the record to be dialled.
  • Name, address and other customer identification.
  • Customer adapted sales offer, if there is any.
  • Information about the status, priority and other data for the campaign record that is necessary to decide whether the record can be called, how the record will be called, as well as when it is to be called. When recording campaign records, a Start time for dialing is set, ruling the dialling sequence. If you have a campaign and want to fill it up with the records that shall be dialled before the records that are there in the campaign from earlier, you just give the new records an earlier start time.
  • History concerning earlier treatment of the campaign record such as the latest feedback and the number of times the number has been busy. This information is i.a. used for ruled treatments.

How to present various data in the campaign records is configured in connection with the creation of the campaign. The configuration can under certain circumstances be modified after the campaign has been created.

Campaign records are administrated in the Campaign records window. In this window you can search for, look at and modify call records. It is also possible to create single new campaign records. To create a larger amount of campaign records you are recommended to use the Import window.

Accepted telephone number formats

Often you have just one telephone number per campaign record available for calling. However, customers can have several telephone numbers, for example a mobile phone, home, and a country house. If you call the first number, the home number, for example, and there is no answer, you would want to keep trying at any of the other numbers. Each record can contain at least one, and up to three telephone numbers.

The first time the campaign records are dialled, ACE starts by dialling telephone number 1, and then number 2, etc. If you always want to start by trying to reach a specific target group at their mobile numbers, you enter them as telephone number 1. If the customer is not reached at the first attempt, the rules you specify for the various existing feedbacks will apply.

When a campaign record is created in the database, ACE checks the syntax and uniqueness of the telephone number.

The number format to use can differ between campaign records for preview campaigns and campaigns with dialler. See examples in the table below. You should however strive to use the same format if possible to avoid confusion and unexpected dialling problems.

For more details see the document Operation Manual ACE Dialer.

Dialler campaign record Preview campaign Record
Swedish examples:

+4618182900 and 4618182900

Swedish examples:

+4618182900 and 018182900

In VoIP solutions with ACE Dialer and Touchpoint Plus / Telia Entry the telephone numbers must be complete international numbers with or without a prefix, such as +46182900 or 4618182900.  

When migrating from one campaign solution to another, the format of the telephone numbers in campaign records might have to be changed, depending on PBX etc. When you Import campaign records you can use system parameter campaignKeepCanonicalFormat to preserve the Canonical format (+) on imported phone numbers. Not using the parameter, the phone numbers starting with "+" are converted to start with "00". See System parameters for callback/campaign.

The following characters are accepted in the telephone number:

  • Digits (0-9)
  • Space
  • Tab
  • Hyphen (-)

Space, tab and hyphen are automatically trimmed away when the record is stored in the database. The rest of the telephone number must contain at least five digits.