The Campaign progress window
Campaign is the term for outgoing telephony, used for e.g. sales via telephone or for customer polls. A campaign can be seen as a list of campaign records – facts about customers to be call for a special purpose. A campaign record is routed to a queue or waiting list, defined in advance, is accepted by the agent and ACE makes the call to the telephone number that can be seen from the campaign record.
In ACE Pulse you can see status of campaigns, campaign records and the agents servicing the campaigns in a special menu choice. Select View | campaign progress… or click on the quick-select button.
The Campaign progress window displays an overview list of all campaigns for the organisation area and/or subarea selected in the Pulse main window. The information displays the currents status of the campaigns, and the campaigns’ results from their start.

The following information is displayed in the Campaign progress window:
Field name | Description |
Campaign | Campaign name, including an icon displaying campaign status. |
Status | In the Status column you see the campaign status in plain text.
You can choose to only see campaigns with a specific status by clicking on the funnel next to the title. In the menu then opened you select the status you want, such as Started, to not have to see the Stopped, Limited and Ended. |
Hitrate | Hitrate = Closed / (Closed + Declined). Gives the proportion of termination where the offer could be presented. Unit: Percent. Value for the campaign from its creation. |
Records | The number of records in the campaign, including closed records. |
Paused | Paused records (with or without feedback), including personal records. |
Opened | This is a sum of the fields:
Open campaign records with feedback. Open campaign records without feedback. Open personal campaign records. |
Close | The number of campaign records that were closed with feedback Close in ACE Agent. Number of Close regardless of reason. Value for the campaign from its creation. |
Declined | The number of campaign records that were closed with feedback Declined in ACE Agent. Number of Declined regardless of reason. Value for the campaign from its creation. |
Inapplicable | The number of campaign records that were closed with feedback Inapplicable in ACE Agent. Number of Inapplicable regardless of reason. Value for the campaign from its creation. |
Silent calls | The number of calls that have been closed by the dialer after a customer answered because there was no ready agent available. Value for the campaign from its creation. |
System loss | The number of campaign records (not Closed, Declined or Inapplicable) that were closed by:
Dialled calls | The total number of campaign calls made from campaign records. Value for the campaign from its creation. |
Answered calls | The number of calls answered by the called party and connected to an agent. Value for the campaign from its creation. |
From the Campaign progress window you can open the window displaying details on a campaign, the Detailed progress campaign window. Read mode at See detailed progress for selected campaign.
The information in the Campaign progress and Detailed progress campaign windows is updated cyclically in the same way as the other windows in ACE Pulse.