Basisc about campaign
There are two ways of generating a campaign call in Telia ACE
Preview campaign
In a Preview campaign a call is generated when the agent accepts a call record containing an external extension number and other customer data such as name, address and comments.
If the customers are to be called via ACE Agent the campaign is of the preview queue or preview waiting list type.
- Preview queue means that a campaign record is routed in a queue, directly to the first ready agent, who then accepts that the call is being made.
- Preview waiting list means that the agents first pick from a waiting list among the campaign records to be called and then confirm that the call can be made.
In preview campaigns you find general campaign records that all logged in agents can process, as well as personal campaign records, created when the agent has made an agreement with the customer to come back personally later.
When working with preview campaigns the agent can accept or refuse calls and switch between different media. To process preview campaign is not significantly different from other services.
A Preview campaign is processed in ACE Agent in the following order:
- To begin with, the agent either selects a campaign record from waiting list or waits for a campaign record to be routed via a campaign queue.
- When the campaign record is routed to the agent, the Accept button flashes and information about the delivered campaign record is shown in the area for contacts in progress. Unless Accept contact automatically is activated in the client settings the agent has to click on an Accept button for the call to be dialled out.
- The call is made, and the agent speaks with the customer.
- ACE Agent will consider the call ended when the agent has given feedback, i.e. selected from a list of default feedback choices to indicate the outcome of the call.
Dialer campaign
In a Dialer campaign a call is generated and distributed by the ACE system itself.
If the customers are to be called via a specific IVR machine named ACE Dialer, the campaign is of the Dialer type. The major difference in the processing of general campaign records compared to the Preview campaign scenario above is:
- the separate login procedure to ACE Dialer,
- the customer is called without the agent having accepted the ring out,
- the agent does not see contact data until the customer call is connected.
What to configure for a campaign
Campaigns, including call records, queues/waiting lists, and feedback options are created and configured in ACE Admin, the Media | Outbound telephony | Campaigns... menu choice. When the main window Campaigns is opened you can see existing campaigns and access a number of other campaign related windows where you create and configure campaigns.
In addition, there are system parameters to be set in the Media | Outbound telephony | System parameters… menu choice, in the Callback/Campaign tab.
When you create a campaign you set
- Organisation affiliation - Subarea
- In the main window for campaign you first select organisation area and subarea. To get complete campaign statistics the campaign must be affiliated to one or more subareas.
- Campaign name
- The name of the campaign.
- Date
- Start and stop date for the campaign.
- Distribution type
- Select whether the campaign is to be of the dialer or the preview type. For preview type you also select whether to treat it as a queue or a waiting list.
Preview campaign, queue
The campaign is created as a queue. The agents cannot select the records to be called but are allowed to see and accept records before ringout is made.Preview campaign, waiting list
The records in the campaign are distributed to the agents via a waiting list. The agents the select from the list the record to be called.Dialer campaign
Campaign records are called automatically via a component named ACE Dialer. Then the connected customer calls are routed directly to the agents. For dialer type you also select how to handle overdialling.
- Agent profile
- The skill needed to work with the campaign, i.e. which agents are to be logged in to the campaign.
- Contents in the extra contact data window
- The facts about the customers that are to be listed, and possibly also to be editable, in ACE Agent. You can create up to two unique contact data windows per campaign.
- Feedbacks and reasons
- Different reasons for a certain feedback that the agents provide after a call has been made. Three examples of reasons for feedback Declined: “too expensive”, “not interested at the moment”, “already in possession of similar product”.
- Rules
- What is to happen with a call record after a certain feedback or series of events. Two examples for No answer:
- Call again in 30 minutes
- After five failed attempts to reach the customer – close the call record.
- Customer data - campaign records
- How to enter customer data into ACE which customer data that is included. When records that are going to be called have been entered, the campaign can be started. Active campaign records are routed to the agents logged in to the campaign. ACE calls one of the telephone numbers that can be seen in a campaign record, and after concluded call, the agent provides feedback for the outcome of the call. You can also categorize campaign records and set time frames for when each category is going to be called.
Capacity and other technical details
- One ACE system can handle up to 50 simultaneous campaigns.
- One single campaign can be served by 100 simultaneously logged-in agents.
- Up to 400 agents can work simultaneously with campaign telephony.
- The campaign records of a campaign can contain 40 customer unique fields with a maximum of 256 characters in each field.
More details are found in other sections on this help web and in the documents ,Interface Specification Campaign Interface Operation Manual ACE Dialer, Operation Manual ACE Dialer Engine and Site Environment Requirement ACE Dialer.