Basics about designing surveys

When you click on Surveys in the main menu, a list with all your surveys is opened. This where you create new surveys and questions, and make changes and edit the settings for existing surveys and questions.

Here you find all the tools for creating various kinds of customer polls. You can choose between single choice and multiple choice questions, NPS-question and free text questions.

You create both telephony and web surveys here, at the same time, since the same survey can be used in both media. For telephony survey you can use the Text-to-Speech tool and/or already recorded audio files.

You can also specify whether a question is to be followed up by the individuals that have handled each respective customer contact, in a so-called agent evaluation.

To create a brand new survey, click on the new survey button button at the top right, above the list with existing surveys, if any. How to proceed if you want to use an existing survey is explained in Create survey from a copy.

Save Survey

You can save button at any time and add information later. If you have not yet named a new survey, it will automatically be named New Survey.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.