Connection Endpoints - See number of clients in use

Select View | Connection Endpoints... or click on the connection endpoints button to see information about how many Telia ACE applications are started right now in your system per connection endpoint.

DNS name
Computer address.
Node name
Agent Server’s internal name defined in Configuration Utility.
The maximum number of clients allowed for this connection endpoint.
Total number of clients logged in at the moment to the connection endpoint.
ACE Pulse
The number of ACE Pulse and ACE Monitor currently logged in to the connection endpoint.
ACE Admin
The number of ACE Admin currently logged in to the connection endpoint.
ACE Reportt
The number of ACE Report currently logged in to the connection endpoint.
ACE Agent
The number of ACE Agent currently logged in to the connection endpoint.
ACE Interact
The number of ACE Interact currently logged in to the connection endpoint.
ACE Mobile Agent
The number of ACE Mobile Agent including agents logged in via the open interface Agent Interface - CRM Server currently logged in to the connection endpoint.
Extension - Queue login
The number of Extension - Queue login currently logged in to the connection endpoint.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.