Before you start using Proactive web

Aside from the configuration made in ACE Admin Proactive Web window, decribed in Add a rule for Proactive Web, and the actual web site integration, the following details are worth attention.

Criteria for agents that will be receiving web contacts

Criteria for agents that will be receiving web contacts in order for ACE to be able to make an analysis of ready agents and for the surfer to get the quick response required, agents working with contacts from ACE Proactive Web shall preferably only serve one single queue for proactive contacts, meaning no other queues or waiting lists.

Parameters regulate times for waiting period and session

In connection with a contact offer you can also present the options ”No thanks” and ”Do not contact me again”. If the surfer chooses ”Do not contact me again” a new offer will not be presented until after the number of hours specified in a system parameter under the ACE Admin System parameters menu choice, the Other tab. This is where you also specify

  • whether Proactive Web is on or off,
  • the IP address and port for the communication with ACE Proactive Web Engine,

Parameters set in ACE Proactive Web Engine

In addition to the configuration you can manage yourself, via ACE Admin, adaptations on your website and possibly also in ACE Proactive Web Engine are required. If the surfer remains in the current page but stops clicking around, ACE Proactive web will consider the session as ended, after the time set in a parameter in ACE Proactive Web Engine. This is also where you set other parameters, for logging and statistics storage.

For more detailed information regarding the client side of Proactive Web, see the document Configuration Instructions ACE Web SDK. For detailed information on the server side of Proactive Web, see the document Configuration Instructions ACE Proactive Web.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.