The Chat entrances window

In the Chat entrances window you are able to see all the chat entrances for an organisation area. You select the organisation area you want to see in the drop-down list at the top of the window. This is also where you Add and delete a chat entrance.

When you select an entrance in the area under the Chat entrances header, you will see all the configurations for the entrance that you can make via ACE Admin, such as Presenting chatting agent name in two ways, How to name the customer in chat history, Copy of chat history in email, Standard phrases in chat history and Automatically generated system messages.

Each chat entrance must be connected to a chat engine and marked as Active in the Chat engines window in order for the entrance to be available for chat in web pages at the company's web site referring to the entrance. Entrances not fulfilling these requirements can still be configured but they will be unavailable for chat.

The activation and of an entrance and its association to a certain chat engine was previously configured locally on the server computer hosting ACE Chat Engine. From ACE 13 and onwards, the configuration has been moved to ACE Admin. For backwards compatibility reasons, these configurations will however not be used by ACE Chat Engine until the local configurations on the server computer hosting ACE Chat Engine have been removed. These configurations will also not be used by old versions of ACE Chat Engine, i.e. version 12 and older.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.