Deployment of changes for chat

Configurations that are general for different types of media are managed and operated in the same way as for other media. This section contains a description of how and when additions, changes, and removals of chat specific components are deployed.

Several parameters below were previously configured locally on the server computer hosting ACE Chat Engine. From ACE 13 and onwards, the configuration has been moved to ACE Admin. For backwards compatibility reasons, these configurations will however not be used by ACE Chat Engine until the local configurations on the server computer hosting ACE Chat Engine have been removed. These configurations will also not be used by old versions of ACE Chat Engine (i.e. version 12 and older). For these cases, see the online documentation for a previous release of ACE for deployment of changes for chat.

Chat engines and ACE Chat Engine

A new chat engine added in ACE Admin will immediately be recognised by ACE Server. When ACE Chat Engine has been installed at ACE Chat Engine Server, it will be able to connect.
If the value for maximum number of chat sessions is changed, the change will be enabled immediately in ACE Chat Engine (via ACE Server). However, if the new value is less than the old one, no chat sessions in progress will be closed

If an origin is removed from the configuration of allowed origins, chats in progress from this origin will immediately be terminated. If an origin is added, the origin will immediately be possible to start a chat from.

If the configuration of whether it is allowed to chat when the HTTP origin header is missing is changed from "true" to "false", chats in progress where the HTTP origin header is missing will immediately be terminated. Changing the setting from "false" to "true" will immediately allow chat where the HTTP origin header is missing.

If any other setting is changed, the change will affect new chat sessions without affecting the chats in progress.

If a chat engine is removed in ACE Admin, the removal will immediately be recognised in ACE Server. However, ACE Server does not disconnect any connections in progress with the current ACE Chat Engine. The next time ACE Chat Engine tries to connect, it will be denied access.

Chat entrances

A new chat entrance, added in ACE Admin, will immediately be recognised by ACE Chat Engine providing that it is active (see below).
Changes of the Active flag and association to a chat engine
Activating an inactive entrance will immediately make it possible to start a chat on the activated entrance. De-activating an entrance will affect new chat sessions without affecting the chats in progress. Changing the association of an active entrance from one chat engine to another will be handled as if the entrance was de-activated on the chat engine it was associated to and as if the entrance was activated on the chat engine it has been associated to
Changes for how to display agent and customer names
How to display agent and customer names in chat entries, and information messages, are immediately enabled in ACE Server, and ACE Chat Engine. Chat entries for chat sessions in progress are not affected.
Changes of standard phrases and information messages
Changes of standard phrases and information messages are immediately enabled in ACE Server and ACE Chat Engine. These changes also affect chat sessions in progress.
Changes of the contact data keys used to show title and subject
Changes of the contact data keys used to show title and subject in the chats in ACE Agent are enabled per agent in when the agent logs in. Agents who are already logged in will not be affected as long as they stay logged in.
See handling of the Active flag above.

System parameters

Changes in the Maximum number of characters in a chat entry system parameter, affect entries for both customer and agent. For the agent, the change takes effect per agent when the agent logs in. Agents already logged in are not affected, as long as they stay logged in. Changes for the customer are enabled for new chat sessions in ACE Chat Engine.

Note that any other system parameter changes for chat will require a restart of ACE Server.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.