Basics about ACE Chat

The ACE Chat function enables customers visiting a company's website to request and participate in a chat conversation with an agent in the company's contact centre.

This is what you basically need:

  • A Chat client for the web visitors, integrated in your website with ACE Web SDK.
  • The sub product ACE Chat Engine handling the server side of the chat.
  • ACE Agent, which is the interface used by the chatting contact centre staff.

In A chat flow example you can see a scenario with all components involved.

ACE Chat operates both in the cloud service as well as in an on-premises system. You will find a simple overview of the cooperation between the different servers in documents Configuration Instructions ACE Chat and Operation Manual Telia ACE.

The ACE Web SDK toolbox can also be used to set up functionality for co-browsing and proactive web as described in the document Configuration Instructions ACE Web SDK.

Flexible media for the agent

Chat in ACE Agent can be compared with other media, such as e.g. incoming calls or emails.

  • Queues and waiting lists for chat are shown with their own icons in the queue status window, just like the other contact types.
  • Chatting can be mixed with work in other media.
  • Facts about a chat in progress, or a concluded chat in wrap-up, are shown in the area for contacts in progress.
  • Chat sessions can be parked and reactivated any number of times.
  • You can make a telephony enquiry and transfer an active chat to the enquired agent or to a selected queue.
  • Information about handled chat contacts is shown in the Statistics during the day, and My contacts, as well as the Interaction View function areas.

One major difference to ACE Chat when compared to the other services in ACE is that the chat contacts are handled in their own particular window, and that agents can choose to either handle one chat at the time or to have a number of chat sessions in progress concurrently.

The contact centre staff cannot use ACE Agent to chat with each other. If you want to chat internally, you could have an extra ACE Chat Engine placed inside your network and integrate a chat client on e.g. your Intranet web page. Chat requests from co-workers would then be seen in ACE Agent in the same way as for external customers.

A chat client for the web visitors

ACE Web SDK is a collection of interfaces helping you to create an easy to use chat for the web visitors. Technically the chat client is an implementation in HTML5 using JavaScript, HTML, CSS and the chat API in ACE Web SDK.

You can either

  • use the included reference implementation of a chat client as is
  • use the reference client as a template for modifications
  • or create your own chat client

The ACE Web SDK toolbox can also be used to set up functionality for co-browsing and proactive web.

  • There are several ways of letting the surfing customer start a chat. You can have the chat client accessible on a separate contact page, via a tab or a button. The reference client is normally started via a tab which is shown on every web page where chat is to be offered, but can also be started as a stand alone char client. You can also pro-actively offer the customer to chat, via a form distributed by ACE Proactive Web.
  • Inviting an additional participant to an ongoing chat

    Sometimes it may be necessary to include an additional participant in a chat. As an example, consider the situation where an interpreter is required in order to translate the conversation between the agent and the customer.

    Agents can invite an additional participant to an ongoing chat by having the system to create an invitation link that the agent can send to the participant via email or sms. When the participant follows the link in a web browser, the participant is connected to the ongoing chat.

    The invitation link sent from ACE Interact is for inviting one participant only.

    The invitation function is supported by the reference chat client for both text chat and video chat.

    When an invited participant enters an ongoing chat, the invited participant will not be presented with the chat conversation produced so far. The reason is that this part of the chat may include information that is not to be shown to the invited participant. When the chat ends, the invited participant will likewise not be offered to have the chat conversation via email (as it may include information that is not to be shown to the invited participant).

    Normally when a participant leaves the chat, the chat session ends for the other party. This does however not apply to invited participants. If an invited chooses to leave the chat, it will continue for the other participants.

    If the invited participant enters the chat when video is in progress, the invited will immediately be offered to enter the video chat.

    There are specific standard phrases shown to all participants in the chat as an invited participant enters or leaves the chat. There are also specific standard phrases and information messages only shown to the invited participant when the chat ends for the invited. This gives for example the opportunity to avoid offering survey to an invited.

    See Chat and video with more than one participant

    Configuration of ACE Chat

    Major parts of the chat functionality is configured via Admin. See Chat configuration made in ACE Admin.

    Configurations of the reference client are made in configuration files loaded in the web page. Examples are:

    • the chat entrance to be used
    • which contact data values are to be collected
    • language, texts displayed on buttons
    • styling, i.e. the graphical look

    If you have configured your web and your ACE solution for so-called co-browsing the agent can, during chat, initiate a question about sharing a web page with the customer, as seen in Co-browsing – share web page.

    Also see Customer interactions online.

    Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.