Create new user account

In the User accounts window you first select the organisation area in which the user account will be created. If you want the new user to belong to a specific subarea from the start, you select this also before you click on the Create new button.

To be able to open the Create new user account window, you require the Own user access function in your access role.
  1. To add a new row for the new account, click on the Add button (or select Add in the context menu, or double-click on the first empty row).
  2. Fill in the new user’s username.
    A username must be unique within the entire ACE installation; the same username must not exist even in different organisation areas. Then the username must not contain spaces or any special characters by the userNameMinLength and userNameMaxLength system parameters, you rule how many characters there can be.
  3. Fill in first name and surname. They can be changed later.
  4. Select access role in the drop-down menu.
  5. When you click on the OK button, the user account is created and you return to the User accounts window.
  6. The new user account in the User accounts window, can now be updated with facts as seen in section All details in the User accounts window.
  7. To add Access areas, Subareas, Groups, and Skills, you click on the Change… button under each respective list in the right part of the window of the User accounts window.
  8. The new user is given a blank password. If the enableAgentPassword system parameter is set to 1 or if the agent will be working via ACE Mobile Agent you must add a password. Click on the Security button.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.