Mobile identity for personal greeting phrase via IVR

The configuration under the Mobile login header in the User accounts window also applies to agents that will be using the personal greeting phrase in ACE IVR Gateway function.

In ACE IVR Gateway the agent can record his own greeting phrases. They can later be played to the calling customer. The agent records, activates, and listens to his greeting message by calling the contact centre’s IVR. The agent begins by identifying himself with the mobile identity and PIN code, if any, that you have specified in the User accounts window. The greeting message is then played when a call is connected, for all calls made from IVR to the agent, however not when the agent retrieves a parked call.

Decide how the greeting phrases shall be played

Before the personal greeting phrase in ACE IVR Gateway function can be used, you must decide in which way greeting phrases shall be played. Telia Company configures one of the following variants for your organisation:

  • Both the customer and the agent hear the greeting phrase being played.
    When the phrase has been played through, the caller and the agent are connected.
  • As above, but with the addition that the agent hears a short beep when the phrase is ended, in order for the agent to be aware that the customer is about to be connected.
  • The greeting phrase is only played to the calling customer. The agent does not hear anything at all. When the phrase has been played through, the caller and the agent are connected.
  • The greeting phrase is only played to the calling customer but the agent hears if the customer says something during the playing of the phrase. However, it is only when the phrase has been played through that the customer and the agent are fully connected, i.e. it is not until then that the agent’s talk reaches the customer.

By another system setting, made by Telia Company, it is ruled whether a general greeting phrase shall be used, or whether you shall be able to use different greeting phrases per task type.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.