Basics about Entrances

Entrances in ACE serves multiple purposes

  • Identify the organisation area affiliation for a contact. An entrance name is unique and can only exist in a specific organisation area
  • Handle opening hours per entrance
  • Route contacts through and from the entrance

Different entrances are used for different media types, i.a. because entrances are created and named in different ways.

Entrances for incoming calls and callback are created manually in the The Entrances, menu choices and task types window, the Entrances tab. The names of the entrances must correspond exactly to the values the IVR could be giving the Entrance contact data key, or to the possible choices in the IVR menu.

Entrances for incoming email are added automatically in conjunction with the creation of email accounts. An entrance for email contact assumes the email address of an account as its value, i.e. the name of an email account found in the email server of the company, from where ACE Email Server is to fetch email. See The Email and Work Item accounts window and Add an email account.

Entrances for work items, such as e.g. Facebook messages, are created automatically from configured work item accounts. In the Media | Email | Email and work item accounts window you specify the accounts, i.e. entrances that an ACE WorkItem Server will accept for new work items in the selected organisation area. See Add a work item account.

Entrances for chat are created automatically when you configure a chat entrance in the Media | Chat | Chat entrances window. That is also where where you configure i.a. standard texts for chat per entrance. Chat cannot use entrances created for other media. See Chat configuration made in ACE Admin and Add and delete a chat entrance.

Entrance contact data key

Entrance relates to the way in which the contact entered the ACE system.

  • The entrance for an incoming telephone call is normally the DNIS, the called party’s telephone number.
  • The entrance for an incoming email is always the email address that the mail is addressed to.
  • The entrance for a callback call is defined either in the IVR or on the web, depending on where the customer left the request to be contacted.
  • The entrance for a chat is defined via the web link the customer clicks on to chat.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.