Contact data, per contact type

In the Organise | Contact data, per contact type... menu choice you select the contact keys that are relevant for each contact type. The contact types are:

  • Internal calls
  • IVR calls
  • Incoming external calls
  • Enquiry calls within ACE
  • Enquiry calls outside ACE
  • Outbound external calls
  • Callback
  • Campaign
  • Email
  • Chat

In the column to the left you find available choices and to the right you see those selected for this very contact type. You move keys by selecting them in one list and then clicking on the appropriate arrow.

This configuration affects which contact data keys that are available in other windows of ACE Admin, e.g. in the routing table.

Customer specific contact data keys do not always have to be pointed out as relevant under the Contact data, per contact type... menu choice but only need to be added under the Contact data, basic configuration... menu choice. This applies i.a. to customer specific contact data keys for campaign.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.