Access numbers

The configuration of an access number defines which dialog flow should be used for calls made to this number.

At the top of the Dialogue flows window you see a table with access numbers and their main properties:

Tick this box to activate the access number.
Access number
The access number, in Canonical formatA canonical telephone number is given in the standardised format with a leading "+". The syntax is:
"+" <country code> <area code without prefix> <local number>
E.g. "+4618189400" for "018-18 94 00" in Sweden.
The number of reserved lines, i.e. how many callers to this number that can be in queue at the same time. (Not applicable for A-numbers.)

Normally, the value 0 should be used, which means that the customer´s IVR lines are managed in a common pool. If the value is to be changed then it is important to understand how booking and allocation of IVR lines are handled.

The name of the dialogue flow. If you click on the link to a flow, the corresponding flow in the dialogue flow list below is selected. See Start below.
The name of the start object. If you click on the link to a start object, its flow is selected in the flow list to the left and the start object in the flow object list to the right. The start object is also opened, just as if you had clicked on it in the object list for the relevant flow.
An optional description of the access number.

To the right of the access numbers you can configure call parameter assignments for the selected access number:

The call parameter to assign a certain value when routing from the selected access number.
The value to assign to the selected call parameter.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.