Basics about callback

A customer may ask to be called back later – in IVR, from a web page or through a call with an agent. Information about the call to be made is saved by ACE as a callback record. This callback record contains i.a. the customer’s telephone number and in some cases the time the customer wants to be called.

At the time for the call to the customer, the callback record is routed to a waiting list or queue. The callback record is accepted by an agent and ACE makes the call to the telephone number seen in the callback record. The callback record remains while the call is made but can still be there even after that, e.g. if another callback has been requested.

Configuration of callback in ACE

Callback records can be created via the IVR, ACE Agent, ACE Admin, ACE Proactive Web as well as through ACE Callback Interface.

The callback records, stored in ACE database, can be administrated via ACE Admin Media | Outbound telephony | Callback records... menu choice

In ACE Admin Media | Outbound telephony | Treatments (Callback)... menu choice you can specify what is to happen with the records, depending of what has occurred when the call was made.

There are also specific type of callback records created via the Media | Outbound telephony | Callback appointment schedule function. Here you e.g. set how many appointments can be made per time slot, the length of time slots and if/how the customer shall enter an identification when selecting a time to be called back.

To limit the number of callback records, to avoid setting up more records than the contact center can call, you can specify various max limits, via ACE Admin:

  • In the Routing | Routing of contacts window you enter the number of active callback records that regardless of calling time, can exist in the relevant organisation area,
  • In the Routing | Queues and waiting lists window you specify the same as above, per each named callback queue.

In order for the callback processing to function as you want it to, there are also half a dozen system parameters that may require configuration.

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.