Administrate address book

Administration of address books is made in the Administrate address book window, that you open via the User | Address book... menu choice.

To be able to use this menu choice you need at least one of the four access functions own system global address book, modify system global address book, own organisation area specific address book and modify organisation area specific address book in your access role.

First select, at the top of the window, the type of address book you will be administrating. You can choose between your personal address book, organisation area, or system global, address books.

Administrate address book

At the top left, in the Administrate address book window has two tabs; Tree and Search.

  • The Tree tab is used if you want to see a hierarchical view of address books and folders, and if you want to look at the entries in a particular address book or folder.
  • The Search tab is used if you want to find the entries that satisfy particular criteria, for example beginning with a particular letter or contains a particular name.

Using the buttons at the bottom of the window, depending on your access rights, you can

  • add a new address book,
  • remove an address book,
  • add folders,
  • add entries,
  • delete folders,
  • delete entries,
  • duplicate entries, and
  • edit entries.

If you right click on an address book, a sub folder or somewhere in the list with entries, a context menu is opened. The same menu can be opened using the context menu button on your keyboard.

In the context menus, of which you see examples in the pictures below, you can choose further functions, such as

  • cut and paste entries,
  • move and copy entries and folders,
  • change the names of directories and folders,
  • export the contents of a folder to an Excel file or to a text file, and/or
  • decide the presentation of the entries.
New addressbook - New folder Detailed list

Telia ACE version 17.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.