Basics about Proactive Web
If your website is integrated with Telia ACE, via ACE Web SDK, you can use ACE Proactive Web feature, which is administrated via ACE Admin.
The Proactive Web feature, based upon the ACE Proactive Web Engine sub product, means that a surfer who has navigated in a specified way, or clicks on a specific button, can automatically be given offers, such as being called or to chat with an agent.

Before an offer in a web form is presented to the surfer, ACE Proactive Web Engine checks whether an offer is suitable, given the opening hours, queue situation, if there are any ready agents, etc. There are also controls to avoid more offers being made to a surfer who has earlier declined the offer.
See Terminology for where, what, and how.
The web forms presented to the surfer must be constructed and integrated in the company's web pages. The web forms interacts with API functions included in ACE Web SDK. For more detailed information regarding the client side of Proactive Web, see the document Configuration Instructions ACE Web SDK.
Which web pages that are to be included in your offer concept, to which queues web contacts shall be routed, type of media to offer and which web form that a surfer shall be presented with is part of all that is regulated via ACE Admin, the Media | Proactive Web menu choice.
See Add a rule for Proactive Web.
Also see Customer interactions online.