The Entrances, menu choices and task types window
The Entrances, menu choices and task types window is used for adding and removing entrances, menu choices and task types.
The same window is found under two separate menus, Routing | Entrances and menu choices and under Statistics | Task types.
To add an entrance means specifying a valid value for the contact data key Entrance. The same applies to Menu choices and Task types, all found under separate tabs.
In this section you find information about how entrances are handled.
To learn more about menu choices, see Basics about Menu choices.
How task types works is described in Basics about Task types.
Add new entrance
In this Entrances, menu choices and task types window you add entrances for incoming calls and callback.
Entrances for incoming email, work items and chats are displayed here, but are all created via windows per media, as explained in Basics about Entrances.

- Each entrance always belongs to one particular organisation area. Start by selecting Organisation area in the drop-down list at the window top.
- To add an entrance, double click to open up an empty cell, or choose Add from the right click menu.
- Type in the name of the entrance.
- Save with OK.
Delete entrance
To delete an entrance or a menu choice, select its name and then choose Delete in the context menu, or press the Delete key. Note, however, that this is not where you remove an entrance for email, work item items and chat.
- Email and work item entrances are deleted via Media | Email | Email and work item accounts... menu choice.
- Chat entrances are handled via the Media | Chat | Chat entrances... window.