Handle messages from social media
Social media such as Twitter and Facebook can also constitute contact channels for the customer service. Incoming Twitter and Facebook contacts are seen and are then handled as emails/workItems when it comes to configurations of the agent application, queues, and routing.
With an automatic search on the Internet you can receive all Twitter entries concerning your business to the contact center.
Messages are fetched from Twitter, and are routed as work items and displayed in the work item support function integrated in ACE Agent. See Work Item – a task in another system.
When the answers are sent out from ACE Agent they are published as entries, in the forum where they belong. Also see Handle tweets in ACE Agent.
Some specifics in configuration of Twitter are the following:
- The entrance for the Twitter work items is specified in The Email and Work Item accounts window,
- You need to create a separate task type for Twitter. See Task type assignment for email and work item.
- There are a number of Twitter related system parameters in ACE Admin, such as
- activating the option of importing Twitter entries to Telia ACE and to open the Twitter window in ACE Agent,
- specifying which ACE Work Item server that will be used,
- specifying the URL for your ACE Interface Server, since the content in the Twitter window in ACE Agent is downloaded from a web server in ACE Interface Server.
All decribed in System parameters for interfaces.
If you want your company’s Facebook contacts to be seen among the other contacts you can have ACE route you company’s Facebook events as work items to the agents. The core is ACE Facebook Adapter, partly configured via System parameters for interfaces. For more exact instructions see onfiguration Instructions ACE Facebook Integration.
Aside from ACE Facebook Adapter you need:
- a Facebook account, on https://www.facebook.com/,
- a licence for email,
- an email queue for Facebook contacts. See Add new skill based queue or waiting list and The Routing of contacts window. To route the Facebook contacts to skills you can use text analysis, as described in Methods for categorisation,
- a task type for Facebook. See Task type assignment for email and work item,
- a work item account configured in the The Email and Work Item accounts window.

The contact is handled in ACE Agent and the very dialogue is carried out in the actual Facebook account’s window, automatically opened in a separate web browser on the agent’s computer. See Facebook posts as work items.
The agents to handle the Facebook contacts must have
- skills to serve the Facebook queue
- access right to the incoming email service
- a web browser with Internet access in the computer
Also see Basics about ACE WorkItem.