Definitions of concepts in statistics
Below you see some of the concepts used in ACE Report.
Others are described under Concepts for Calls statistics, Basics about Escalation points and Basics about Online - Proactive web.
Agent status
An agent can be in one of four different statuses:
- Ready
- Wrapup
- Paused
- Contact (email, call, chat, or other activity)
In ACE Report statistics is presented for the following types of service:
Incoming calls, queue (IVR calls)
Incoming calls, waiting lists (IVR calls)
Callback calls, queue
Callback calls, waiting lists
Campaign calls, preview queue
Campaign calls, preview waiting list
Campaign calls, dialer
Incoming email, queue
Incoming email, waiting list
Incoming chat, queue
Incoming chat, waiting list
Incoming telephony inquiry
In ACE Report, the contact term is the collective name for calls, chats and emails.
In cases where statistics is presented regardless of service, the contact concept must be used. In other contexts where for example only statistics for incoming IVR calls is shown, the term call is of course used instead.
Queue/waiting list
Queues and waiting lists are used in ACE Report as a summation concept. This means that all contacts that are routed to a queue/waiting list can be presented in reports where grouping/summation of the queue/waiting list takes place.
Note that e.g. incoming IVR calls that have not requested customer service or inquiry calls cannot be connected to a queue/waiting list.
Subarea is used in ACE Report as a summation concept. Both agents and queues/waiting lists can belong to one or several subareas. This means that if an agent belongs to a subarea, all the contacts where the agent is defined as one of the parties can be shown in reports where grouping/summation of the subarea takes place.
Note that e.g. IVR calls that have not requested customer service or IVR calls that have been abandoned when queuing cannot be connected to a subarea.( If the queue/waiting list is connected to a subarea, the contact can in principle still be connected to the subarea. However, there is currently no standard report showing queues/waiting lists per subarea, but a tailored report must be produced.
Time intervals are used in ACE Report as a summation concept. Half hours are normally the minimum time unit that can be presented. In statistical reports, summation takes place for day, week or month.
Task type
Task type is a label attached to contacts and then used as a summation concept in ACE Report. Possible task types are uniquely defined for each Contact Center.
- All IVR calls where the calling party has requested customer service have a task type.
- All callback calls routed to an agent for dialling out have a task type.
- Inquiry calls have a defined task type if the call on which the inquiry is based on has a defined task (even if the inquiry call is being made externally).
- All incoming emails and chats have a task type.
Examples of task types are: Mobile telephony, Standard telephony and Invoicing questions.
The task type is used in agent statistics for presentation of what an agent has been working with, how many contacts of this type, task time, etc. You also find task types in special task statistics presenting totals for different task types without accounting for the separate agents.
In ACE Report a chat is an information record in the statistics database with comprehensive information such as start time, stop time etc. The information record was created through a chat coming in to Telia ACE for routing to an agent.
In ACE Report, an email is an information record in the statistics database It holds comprehensive information such as start time, stop time, email address, etc. The information record has been created by an email arriving at Telia ACE for routing to an agent.
Outcome statistics
Outcome is the result of a concluded contact. An agent can sum up the result of a concluded contact via ACE Agent Contact Data Window and/or Feedback Window, depending on how the contact data key Outcome is configured in ACE Admin.
When an outgoing contact is finished in ACE Agent, the agent automatically ends up in Wrapup status and the Feedback function area is opened. In the field for Outcome the agent states the result of the contact. If there is no list to choose from, the agent types the outcome in free text.
Outcome can be given for different types of contacts:
- Contacts with task type (always routed via a queue/waiting list)
- Contacts without task type, e.g. external calls
- Incoming IVR calls
- Outgoing calls (callback or campaign)
- Incoming emails
- Incoming chats
Note that the Outcome contact data key must have been configured for each contact type in ACE Admin.
In ACE Report you can create customised reports showing outcome. In the reports the combination time interval, task, queue/waiting list and outcome value can be shown. As the purpose is to show the total number of contacts with a specific outcome, no separation is made for type of media.
To get outcome statistics you should avoid free text. The agent should be given fixed values to choose from in ACE Agent. This is made by defining value sets for contact data key Outcome in ACE Admin.
The following principles should be followed to get correct statistics for outcome:
Contact | Action | Who states the outcome? |
Call received by agent A. | No transfer or conference. | Agent A sets the outcome at any time during the call or during wrap up. For any inquiry taken back, the outcome should not be set by enquired agent B (it will be ignored). |
Call received by agent A. | The call is transferred externally. | Agent A sets the outcome before the inquiry or during the wrap up after transfer. |
Call received by agent A. | The call is conferred externally. | Agent A sets the outcome before the inquiry or during the wrapup after leaving the conference. |
Call received by agent A. | The call is transferred to agent B. | Agent B sets the outcome at any time during the call or during wrap up. |
Call received by agent A. | The call is conferred with agent B. | Agent B sets the outcome at any time during the call or during wrap up. The outcome should not be set by agent A (it will be ignored). |
Call received by agent A. | The call is transferred to queue and handled by agent B. | Normally, agent A should not set the outcome since it should be set by agent B. However, when queuing a call on a User Extension agent A must set the outcome before queuing the call. |
Call is made by agent A. | No transfer or conference. | Agent A sets the outcome at any time during the call or during wrap up. For any inquiry taken back, the outcome should not be set by enquired agent B (it will be ignored). |
Call is made by agent A. | Transfer or conference. | Handled in the same way as incoming calls. |
Email or chat received by agent A. | The email/chat is handled by agent A. | Agent A sets the outcome at any time during the email/chat or during wrap up. For any inquiry taken back, the outcome should not be set by enquired agent B (it will be ignored). |
Email or chat received by agent A. | The email/chat is transferred to queue and handled by agent B. | Normally, agent A should not set the outcome since it should be set by agent B. |
Outcome statistics per area
Statistics for outcome can be obtained from different perspectives.
- Outcome statistics per organisation area
- Can account for all outcomes; even those who cannot be related to a task or a queue/waiting list. In the statistics report outcomes that cannot be related to a task, have been given the task type $NOERRAND and outcomes that cannot be related to a queue/waiting list have been given the queue name $NODOMAIN.
- Outcome statistics per subarea
- only account for outcomes that can be related to queues that are part of subareas.