Agents window - Details about a selected agent

A table with information about a selection of agents is displayed in the left part of ACE Pulse Agents window. To see further information about a specific agent, click on the agent’s username in the table. The following information for the selected agent is displayed in the right part of the window:

Agent data Name (username in ACE), first name and surname.
The agent’s email address.
The agent’s extension number.
The agent’s telephony Location.
Status. Possible types of status are e.g. logged out, Ready, Paused, In call, In email, and In wrap-up.
The agent’s time in current status.
If the agent is logged out – the time when the agent logged out.
Telephony connection specifies the type of telephony connection the client is using. Can be Client based CTI, Server based CTI, or Light Mode, i.e. without telephony connection to ACE Agent.
Client specifies the type of login made. Client types can be ACE Agent or Mobile login, i.e. logged in to the ACE system via telephone, without computer.
Work level. Possible types of work level are Queue, Inquiry, and Personal.
Name of the custom work level the agent is currently working in.
The agent’s time in current work level.
Activity Presence type, e.g. lunch or vacation.
Stop time for activity.
Comments to the activity.
Processed contacts Number of incoming calls in the agent’s personal queue.
Number of incoming calls in the agent’s personal waiting list.
Number of incoming calls in the agent’s extension queue
Number of callback calls in the agent’s personal queue.
Number of callback calls in the agent’s personal waiting list.
Number of incoming emails in the agent’s personal queue.
Number of incoming emails in the agent’s personal waiting list.
Number of incoming chats in the agent’s personal queue.
Number of incoming chats in the agent’s personal waiting list.
Number of campaign calls in the agent’s personal preview queue.
Number of campaign calls in the agent’s personal preview waiting list.
Number of campaign call in the agent’s personal dialer queue
Total number of personal campaign records.
Number of answered calls with task (calls arriving via IVR, requeued calls or with task through inquiry).
Number of answered calls without defined task (arriving from another agent or arriving externally, i.e. not via IVR or calls that have arrived without defined task through inquiry).
Number of calls made with defined task (callback calls or calls made with defined task through inquiry).
Number of calls made without defined task (i.e. calls made to another agent, to an external number or calls made without task through inquiry).
Number of calls made without defined task (i.e. calls made to another agent, to an external number or calls made without defined task through inquiry).
Number of correctly handled IVR calls, i.e. where the agent in question has completed the task.
Number of IVR calls rerouted when not answered by agent
Number of placements of IVR calls in queue. Each occasion when the agent requeues a call is counted.
Number of callback records handled by agent with an approved result.
Number of callback records handled by agent with other than approved result.
Number of callback records rescheduled by an agent.
Number of incoming emails received in ACE Agent. Note that this number only reflects the first time the email is received by an agent.
Number of placements of emails in queue. Each occasion when the agent requeues an email is counted.
Received requeued emails. This counter reflects all subsequent times when the email is received by an agent.
Number of handled incoming emails.
Answered chats.
Number of placements of chats in queue. Each occasion when the agent requeues a chat is counted.
Answered requeued chats.
Handled incoming chats.
Number of calls in progress, i.e. those that the agent is currently working on. Can assume the value 0, 1 or 2. 2 means that the agent has an inquiry and a normal call at the same time.
Number of chats in progress, i.e. those that the agent is currently working with.
The combined task time for answered calls during the day. Includes answered inquiry calls with defined task.
The combined task time for callback calls made during the day. Note that the task time for inquiry calls made are included in the combined task time for the type of contact handled when the inquiry was made (callback in this case).
The combined task time for incoming email today. Note that the task time for inquiry calls made are included in the combined task time for the type of contact handled when the inquiry was made (email in this case).
The combined task time for chats today. Note that the task time for inquiry calls made are included in the combined task time for the type of contact handled when the inquiry was made (chat in this case).
The combined task time for campaign calls today. Note that the task time for inquiry calls made are included in the combined task time for the type of contact handled when the inquiry was made (campaign in this case).
Login time per work level The time the agent has been logged in to work level Queue during the day.
The time the agent has been logged in to work level Inquiry during the day.
The time the agent has been logged in to work level Private during the day.
Login time per service Time in incoming calls, queue
Time in incoming calls, waiting list.
Time in campaign, queue.
Time in campaign, waiting list.
Time in campaign, dialer.
Time in callback, queue.
Time in callback, waiting list.
Time in incoming email, queue.
Time in incoming email, waiting list.
Time in incoming chat, queue.
Time in incoming chat, waiting list.
Time in incoming call, inquiry.
Campaign Number of campaign calls made.
Number of campaign records with feedback Close.
Number of campaign records with feedback Declined.
Number of campaign records with feedback Inapplicable.
Campaign hitrate

Part of the information listed above, is shown not only for a selected agent, but for all listed agents, in the table to the left in the Agents window.

In the field where the information for a selected agent is displayed, the services the agent is logged in to are used by ACE. If an agent does not service campaigns or email queues, no figures are shown for these services, except a line (-) to avoid displaying rows with zero value.

Each service is represented by two columns. The first one shows the agent’s personal queue and the other one shows Longest queue time, i.e. time in queue for person having waited the longest time in the personal queue.

Telia ACE version 15.0. . New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB.