Configure ACE Web SDK
Configuration of ACE Web SDK is required in the following situations:
- When the open interface ACE Web API is used. The API must be enabled and the list of origins from where it is allowed to use the Web API (e.g. web pages originating from must be configured in the Web SDK window in ACE Admin; see below.
- When provisioning chat for a tenant in a multi-tenant solution (ACE Online and ACE Cloud). The list of origins from where it is allowed for Web SDK to handle chat must be configured in this window. Note however that configurations of origins also must be configured per Chat Engine in the Chat engines window, since the configuration of allowed origins for ACE Web SDK and ACE Chat Engine may differ.
In a single-tenant system, these configurations are global for the system. For a multi-tenant system, the configurations are made per tenant.
ACE Web API is a web based open interface publicly accessible from end-customer's web browsers with the following functionality:
- Request callback
- Get entrance/menu choice opening hours and check if an entrance or menu choice is currently open
- Get queue status information
The interface is included in ACE Web SDK as a JavaScript-based API but can also be reached as a REST interface. See Configuration Instructions ACE Web SDK and Interface Specification ACE Web API for details.
To complete the configuration of ACE Web SDK and Web API, you must also assert that the parameters for Web SDK/Web API in the System parameters for interfaces window are correctly configured and last (but not least), a Web SDK instance has been provisioned on Web Distribution Server. See Configuration Instructions ACE Web SDK.

To access the Web SDK configuration window in ACE Admin, you need the access function Own ACE Web SDK in your role.
- Company name in URL:s
- The URL-adapted company name is shown in this window since the configuration of allowed origins made in this window is also required in the company's web pages using ACE Web SDK. The URL-adapted company name must be included in the URL loading ACE Web SDK. See Configuration Instructions ACE Web SDK for details.
- If the configuration of company name for URL:s is missing, the configuration of allowed origins in this window will not be used by ACE Web SDK and this will be indicated
in the window. Configuration of company name for URL:s is either made in the System parameters for interfaces window or the Organisation areas window depending on if the system is a single-tenant or multi-tenant system.
- Enable Web API
- The interface is disabled by default, but ticking this box will enable the interface. Keeping the interface disabled may be necessary -- for security reasons -- in some cases.