Simultaneous search for first name & surname
For a better search hit in ACE Agent Unifinder you can search for both first name and surname at the same time, separated by a space.
- Enter e.g AN BE to find Anna Bengtsson and Anton Berg.
- Click on
to the left or press Return.
In Touchpoint Plus search functions with space, in all searchable columns, without extra actions.
Marvin, CMG and ACE without connection to UC system you must first check the following:
- The relative order of the name columns in the search result regulates whether you shall enter first name or surname first. Change column order by dragging a column title to another position.
- Right-click in the search field and deselect Free text search (in all visible fields) in the menu. If the menu choice is select, Unifinder searches for what begins with what you enter, in the columns visible in the search result, regardless of column order.