CallGuide Pulse main window and all menu choices

The CallGuide Pulse main window contains the menus and views’ settings that lead to functions and new windows described below.

File menu
View menu
Tools menu
Help menu
Title bar
displays the name of the CallGuide installation or server as well as the user name of the current user.
Quick-select buttons
Open overview windows from the View menu choice. If you place your mouse pointer over a quick-select button, you see the name of the window in a help text.
When you minimize the main window other open windows in CallGuide Pulse are minimised as well. You cannot minimize if a dialogue is open.
Status bar
displays whether the user is logged in and which CallGuide server the application is connected to.
Area view
Always first select an Area view and any belonging Organisation area and/or Subarea. Depending on your access rights, one or more of the following alternatives are available in the drop-down list.
View my organisation areas
If you have access rights to several organisation areas you can, in a limited selection of overview windows, see collected information for your entire CallGuide solution.
View organisation area
After choosing an organisation area you can open several different windows with information about the area. As CallGuide remembers which windows you have opened you can shift to another area, open required windows, and thereafter have one set of windows per area.
View my subareas
Displays information about the subareas you have access to in the chosenorganisation area. You see the same windows as inView subarea, with summarized information about all the subareas included in a your access areas.
View subarea
Narrow down the view to a specific subarea. You first have to choose the organisation area in which the subarea is located. Open windows for one subarea at the time, and alternate between them, as described for organisation area above. When you switch to a new area, all windows for the previous area will be hidden automatically.
Organisation area
Select area name depending of chosen view described above.
Select area name depending of chosen view described above.

File menu

File | Change password
is where you can change your current CallGuide password.
File | Settings
is where you set
File | Exit
is one possible way to log out and close the application.

View menu

View menu holds the menu choices opening up the same windows you can open via the quick-select buttons in the main window for CallGuide Pulse: All described in separate sections.

Tools menu

Tools menu only contains the Send message function where you can send messages to all or selected CallGuide Agent users. The message is sent only to the agents logged in at the moment.

You can send messages with selections made per organisation area, subarea, group, skill, or to individual agents.

Help menu

Help | About
displays a window containing information about which version of CallGuide Pulse is being used.
Help | Help F1
opens the on-line help (this one!) where you can read all about CallGuide Pulse and other CallGuide applications.