Licence terms

Telia CallGuide is built by a number of components, offered as user licences, individual licences and system licences. One licence per simultaneously logged in user is required for the user licences. One licence per configured user or extension in the system is required for individual licences.

List for all available CallGuide licences.

Licence Description
Active Directory – Adapter Licence enabling import of users from Microsoft Active Directory.
Admin – Configuration User licence to administrate the customer service and manage the configuration of the service/system.
Agent – Answer User licence enabling manual and automatic free text search in knowledgebase. Self-learning enabled for intent mapping to knowledge.
Agent – Backoffice Incoming Call User licence for agents only receiving telephony inquiries and transfers of calls from other agents.
Agent – Callback User licence for outgoing callback calls (where a customer has requested, via IVR or web, to be called back).
Agent – Campaign User licence for outgoing campaign telephony.
Agent – Chat User licence for incoming chat.
Agent – Cobrowsing User licence for cobrowsing.
Agent – Direct Inward Dialing (DID) User licence for incoming personal telephony (direct calls).
Agent – Incoming Call User licence for incoming telephony via queues, waiting lists, and inquiry.
Agent – Incoming Call Light User licence for incoming telephony via queues, waiting lists, and inquiry without screen based telephony. Upgrade to Agent – Incoming Call is possible.
Agent – Incoming Email User licence for e-mail, sms, fax and WorkItem.
Agent – Information Guide User licence for Information Guide.
Agent – Interaction View User licence enabling the use of the CRM, chat and e-mail archive Interaction View.
Agent Interface User licence to get a substantiated interface offering the option of using agent functions from other systems via ActiveX or server interface (CRM).
Agent – Mobile Callback User licence for callback from list in the mobile phone’s web browser.
Agent – Mobile Incoming Call User licence for incoming telephony from queue in the mobile phone’s web browser.
Agent – Mobile Login User licence for incoming telephony with arbitrary telephone/mobile phone without a graphical interface.
Agent - Mobile Workplace This user licence is a basic licence needed to use the licences Agent – Mobile Incoming Call and Agent – Mobile Callback.
Agent – Operator User licence enabling operator functionality. User licences Agent – Workplace, Agent – Incoming Call and Attendant Message Interface are also required.
Agent – Quick text User licence enabling using quick texts in an sms, e-mail, chat, and internal message sent from Unifinder.
Agent – Recording User licence enabling recording of the user’s telephone calls. All users with this licence may be recorded simultaneously. Note that the recording method used may limit which types of calls that can be recorded. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Agent – Recording On Demand User licence enabling the user to record calls on demand. The number of simultaneous calls to be recorded is limited to 20% of the users with this licence. Note that the recording method used may limit which types of calls that can be recorded. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Agent – Recording Quality Management User licence enabling listening to recordings and to work with Quality Management. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Agent – Survey User licence enabling to see survey statistics from recent contacts (Agent evaluation - survey).
Agent - Video User licence for incoming video. License Agent - Chat is required for each user.
Agent – Workplace This user licence is a basic licence needed to use the other Agent licences. Functions for handling address book and private incoming and outgoing telephony for the workplace are included in this licence.
Answer – Agent portal System licence enabling CallGuide Answer web portal, and production environment. This licence is enabling Agent - Answer.
Answer - API SDK System license enabling integration API to Online widgets.
Answer - Chatbot System licence enabling CallGuide Chatbot connected to CallGuide Knowledgebase and CallGuide Chat. Natural language understanding enabled. Self-learning enabled for intent mapping to knowledge entry.
Answer - Chatbot Self-service API System licence enabling integration from CallGuide Chatbot to self-service back ends.
Answer – Knowledgebase System licence enabling defined range of requests to CallGuide Knowledgebase from e.g. Chatbots and Online Widgets. A request is defined as a software request from the web or Chatbot to CallGuide Answer. Chosen package determines max number of requests. An automatic upgrade to next matching package will occur if the number of requests exceeds max number of requests with more than 15 % for two consecutive months. A request is:
  • The Customer writes a request.
  • The Customer answer a request.
  • The Customer makes a choice.
  • A lookup of opening hour or contact channel availability.
  • A lookup against an integrated system, such as mobile BankID verification.
Answer - Online widget System licence enabling one or more widgets connected to CallGuide Knowledgebase. Natural language understanding enabled. Self-learning enabled for intent mapping to knowledge entry.
Application IVR – Free speech Channel One licence per IVR channel for free speech in CallGuide Application IVR. Functionality for Speech Recognition line is included in the licence. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Application IVR – Inbound Channel One licence per IVR channel for incoming calls in CallGuide Application IVR. This licence is a basic licence required to use the other Application IVR licences for incoming calls. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Application IVR – Outbound Channel One licence per IVR channel for outgoing calls in CallGuide Application IVR. This licence is a basic licence required to be able to use the other Application IVR licences for outgoing calls. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Application IVR – Speech Recognition Channel One licence per IVR channel for speech recognition in CallGuide Application IVR. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Application IVR – Text to Speech Channel One licence per IVR channel for text to speech in CallGuide Application IVR. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Attendant Message Interface User licence to get a substantiated interface offering the options of exporting, in real time, attendant messages to attendant message systems to synchronise attendant messages in Telia CallGuide.
Callback Interface System licence to get a substantiated Web Services interface (defined by WSDL-files) offering the option of creating records for callback from the web for example.
Campaign Interface System licence to get a substantiated database interface offering the option of importing records for telephony campaigns.
Dialer – Channel One licence per channel in CallGuide Dialer. The same licence is used both for channels ringing out and for channel between CallGuide Agent and CallGuide Dialer.
E-sign – 500 System licence permitting contact centre users to distribute and process documents, and e-signing of documents for one corporate identity. 500 free transactions or 20 users with 25 transactions each are included each month. Additional transactions/users are charged for. Two sms are included in each transaction. Additional sms are charged for.
E-sign – 2 500 System licence permitting contact centre users to distribute and process documents, and e-signing of documents for one corporate identity. 2 500 free transactions or 75 users with 25 transactions each are included each month. Additional transactions/users are charged for. Two sms are included in each transaction. Additional sms are charged for.
E-sign – 10 000 System licence permitting contact centre users to distribute and process documents, and e-signing of documents for one corporate identity. 10 000 free transactions or 250 users with 25 transactions each are included each month. Additional transactions/users are charged for. Two sms are included in each transaction. Additional sms are charged for.
E-sign – Extra account One license per extra account (entity) in CallGuide E-sign. E-sign – Extra account allows the customer to have multiple account structures to support extra corporate entities within the organization. The license allows separate invoicing for each account.
E-sign – Extra branding One license per account in CallGuide E-sign for each extra branding. E-sign – Extra branding is a license that allows the customer to have multiple brands that has different look and feel in terms of colours and logo within the organization.
E-sign – Extra Swedish eID One license per account in CallGuide E-sign for Swedish eID. E-sign – Swedish eID is a license permitting the use of Swedish eID (BankID) in CallGuide E-sign. The license allow a custom eID display name. Every signing with Swedish eID are charged for.
Facebook – Adapter User licence enabling work with Facebook in CallGuide Agent. Licences Agent – Email and Agent – Workplace is required for each user.
Fax – Email domain name System licence enabling customized domain name when sending and receiving fax.
Fax – Number A licence per fax number enabling sending and receiving fax. A transaction fee is added.
Historic Data Interface System licence to get a substantiated interface for exporting statistical raw data to other systems, for example data warehouse. Buying this licence gives access to the CallGuide Stat Transfer function, executing the transfer.
Interaction View Interface User licence to get a substantiated interface for exporting information from the database for Interaction View to other systems, for example for long term storing, and analysis. This licence provides access to the CallGuide Interaction View Transfer function, executing the transfer.
IVR Enterprise – Inbound Channel One licence per IVR channel in CallGuide IVR Enterprise. This licence can only be used in Telia CallGuide as an on-premises system.
IVR VCC – Inbound Channel One licence per IVR channel in CallGuide IVR VCC. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
IVR Gateway – Inbound Channel One licence per IP IVR channel in CallGuide IVR Gateway. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Message & WorkItem Interface System licence to get a substantiated interface to deliver work items or tasks to Telia CallGuide, for routing to agents.
Phrase recording from phone Licence enabling update of phrases in IVR dialog by calling the IVR.
Proactive Web - Adapter Licence providing real time analytic of visitors on a web site offering the visitor contact by callback or chat.
Pulse Interface System licence to get a substantiated interface offering the option of real time statistics via a Web Services interface to publish real time data on the web for example.
Pulse – Real Time Monitor User licence for supervising current situation status in the customer service. Pulse can be used in two modes, for the administrator’s desktop, or for a monitor visible to the agents. You need one user licence per administrator and one user licence per monitor.
Realtime & Workforce Interface System licence to get a substantiated interface offering the option of exporting real time statistics for workforce planning tools, for example.
Recording Audio Interface System license enabling an interface to retrieve a recorded audio file from CallGuide Recording.
Screen Pop Interface User licence to get a substantiated interface presenting information for screen pop in support systems.
SingleSignOn - ADFS Adapter Licence enabling single sign on by connecting Telia CallGuide to Microsoft ADFS.
Sms 1000 SE System licence enabling users with the licence Agent – Operator to send sms. 1000 free sms are included. Additional sms are charged. The alphanumeric sender is predefined “Telefonist”. The licence is only available in Sweden.
Sms – Alphanumeric sender System licence to send sms with an alphanumeric text as sender. It is not possible to send a sms to or reply to an alphanumeric sender. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Sms Interface User licence to get a substantiated interface offering the option of sending and receiving sms messages in real time, e.g. for self-services. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Sms – Keyword Licence to use keywords in a shared short number to receive and send sms in CallGuide Sms. One licence permits a package of keywords. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Sms – Short number Licence to have your own short number to receive and send sms in CallGuide Sms. One licence per short number is needed. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Stat – Statistical Reports User licence to get and create statistical reports.
Statistics & Workforce Interface System licence to get a substantiated interface offering the option of exporting statistical data for workforce planning tools, for example.
Survey – Concurrent surveys Licence for a number of concurrent surveys. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Survey - Sms System licence to use sms survey in CallGuide Survey. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Survey – Web System licence to use web survey in CallGuide Survey. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Survey – Voice System licence to use survey via telephone in CallGuide Survey. This licence is only available as a cloud service.
Twitter – Adapter User licence enabling work with Twitter in CallGuide Agent. Licences Agent – Email and Agent – Workplace is required for each user.
Update Recording Interface System licence to get a substantiated interface for adding call data on already recorded calls.
User - Active recording Individual licence enabling recording of the user’s telephone calls. One licence per extension is required. All users with this licence may be recorded simultaneously.
Voice – MS Exchange integration Individual licence enabling import of calendar status from Microsoft Exchange for users in CallGuide Voice.
Voice – Number series Licence enabling a continuous number series. The phone numbers can be used by users, IVRs and diallers in CallGuide Voice.
Voice - Single number Licence enabling a single number. The phone number can be used by users, IVRs and diallers in CallGuide Voice.
Voice – Softphone Individual licence providing a soft phone in the computer for CallGuide Voice.
Voice – User Individual licence enabling a user in CallGuide Voice. Phone numbers and mobile numbers can be connected to the user. Phone number subscription and mobile subscription are not included in the licence. Voice – Number series can be used for providing phone numbers with Voice – User. Existing phone numbers can be transferred to CallGuide Voice.